Green countryside, green volunteer
The Adre Team
Rainy season fun
Casting concrete dunny slabs
The Watsan lads
NOT a leak!
Dig 'em dunnies
and dig 'em DEEP !
Hamid Oussman - amazing foreman and general miracle worker
bloody kids get off my trench!
we built a lot of them
We laid some pipe
more pipe
quite a lot of pipe
3km in fact
Water fetching duty
Me and da boyz
More of the watsan team
The whole watsan team - it's like American football.
Pretty tree (apparently poisonous)
Happy punters. Because they're wagging school.
Oxfam tanks
Trench diggers
more trench diggers
Better with 4 wheels
Sarah De Mobray - Watsan extraordinaire
My leaving do (a 2 sheep affair no less!)
Generous gifts - local leather
It wasn't all work no play...
Dr Rose / witch
Tim - loggie
Christophe and Hubert, Logs
Rev. Dr Alex and Dr Amulya
french nurses. Sounds like a quality film.
Eskinder (Finance)
Eskinder (Pirate)
Chantal (Nurse/PC/Witch)
Dr Bruce
Nurse Caroline
Effect of Cameroonian beer
Hubert, Amulya, Bruce
Hubert, Marit our PC
Jasynth - Quebequoise Nurse
Julie, Akke
Effect of Cameroonian Whisky