Alexander Nash
From Alexander Nash
Alexander Nash
CEng MIChemE
- Education;
- Chemical Engineering: University of Sydney, Australia (1997)
- Water Management: Ecole Nationale de Genie Rurale, des Eaux et des Forets, France (2003)
- Areas of Expertise;
- Transaction Advice; PPP Projects
- Project Finance
- Technical and Regulatory Auditing
- Infrastructure Asset Management
- Technical and Commercial Due Diligence
- Regional Experience
- Europe (UK / France / Turkey)
- Australia (NSW, Vic, Qld, W.A.)
- Africa (Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Chad, DRC, Namibia, Gabon, Tanzania, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Uganda)
- Middle East / North Africa (Morocco, Jordan)
- Eastern Europe / Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan)
Principal Consultant at Atkins Ltd
Australian contact details are +61 416 627 327
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