Difference between revisions of "Kenya Uganda April 2007"

From Alexander Nash
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Image:kidsOutOfschool.JPG|Mzungus - good excuse to run out of class
Image:kidsOutOfschool.JPG|Mzungus - good excuse to run out of class
Image:landingKisumu.JPG|Landing in Kisumu, over Lake Victoria
Image:landingKisumu.JPG|Landing in Kisumu, over Lake Victoria
Image:lastBarOnHike.JPG|A Thoroughly Modern Bar
Image:lastBeerOnHike.JPG|and a modern restaurant
Image:mntElgonHotel.JPG|Civilisation - Mnt Elgon hotel
Image:moonscapeTopElgon.JPG|Crossing the crater rim
Image:overgrownToilet.JPG|My favorite bush dunny. mostly bush. not much dunny.
Image:nettlesInToilet.JPG|Don't lean back - they're nettles.
Image:posingChildren2.JPG|Some would be models
Image:posingChildren.JPG|More modelling work
Image:restaurantOnHike.JPG|the restaurant at the end of the universe ?
Image:sipiFalls.JPG|Falls at end of hike...
Image:skyElgon.JPG|Sky and trees
Image:smokeyHut.JPG|One of the smokey huts where we cooked (smoked) our food.
Image:startOfHike2.JPG|guides and porters on the road
Image:startOfHike.JPG|mountain in the distance.... 3221 m above us !
Image:sunsetCloud.JPG|clouds from top
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Revision as of 21:10, 7 May 2007

Antother work trip to work for a job in Kisumu on Lake Victoria. Took a week off over easter to go to Uganda, where I met up with Jacobien and we did a hike up Mount Elgon, an extinct volcano on the Kenyan / Ugandan border. Uganda seemed like a good place to meet as Jacobien was working in DRC and we met in Entebbe.

Photos coming...